Solastalgia—an online event Feb 17-21 2021
For our fourth edition, the plan was to organize an event on the topic of Solastalgia in Autumn 2020.
Our Open Call offered a few possible interpretations of the concept.
Then 2020 became The-Year-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named.
Our fourth edition was then planned to take place both physically and online in February 2021.
While we presently don’t know what Copenhagen will feel like on February 17th, we’re opting for optimism (with a sensible backup plan).
🎥 Our optimistic plan? A hybrid event—part-physical (in Huset Biograf, between Feb 19-21, with limited seating, and plenty of health and safety precautions in place, if we are allowed), part-online (available between Feb 17-21, for anyone in Denmark!).
📺 Our sensible backup plan? A completely online event, free to access & open to all in Denmark.
Finally, given all the uncertainty and local restrictions, we opted for our sensible back up plan:
Online films + Live Q&As with filmmakers + Talks
Learn more about the films selected for our edition here & follow our festival updates on our blog or on Facebook.
🎟 Here’s the plan:
📺 Are you based in Denmark or Europe and want to watch our films? ➡️ Read more about how to register your ticket here.
💬 Are you anywhere in the world 🌎 and want to participate in Q&As with our filmmakers? ➡️ Read more about how to save a seat here.
🗣 Are you anywhere in the world 🌎 and more into live experiences (music, talk, or meditation)? ➡️ Read more about how to join us here.
🤗 Are you anywhere in the world and want to get the cozy vibe of real-life hugs in a virtual space? ➡️ Join our brand new festival Discord. (If this is your first time using Discord, here’s a helpful introduction to setting up your account, and a more comprehensive guide to how to use the environment.)
A Big Thank You to Cora Silvestru for the amazing work on our new visual identity!

This event could have been possible without the help of our sponsors: