Every Single Day (dir. Spyros Dimitrios Gerousis)

Every Single Day

Every Single Day is an ethnomusicological documentary. It deals with the parallel stories of 3+1 people that made their first contact with hiphop in 90’s Greece and used it to record their experiential narrations of the rapidly and dynamically changing social field during that period. The film employs the ever critical eye of three of Greece’s most influential underground rap MC’s, along with their artistic representations of reality,in order to offer an ethnographic approach of the country’s transition from the 1990’s economic boom to the current financial crisis from the perspective of everyday life. Rather than being a documentary film about hip hop, Every Single Day is a hip hop documentary. Meaning that it’s filmic innovation lies in the fact that it uses elements of the hip hop culture as it has now “matured” in Greece suggesting that some of its practices can act as a means of potential auto-ethnography of the actors, putting forward an alternative narrative of the country’s recent history that can be considered to work either complementary to, or in contrast to the mainstream one.
